Hi, people. For all those asking and wondering what’s new here, we’ve been working on the Equestria Girls video clip. Yes it has been a busy season for us and we have to finish the Crystal Fair Song too but…

Hi, people. For all those asking and wondering what’s new here, we’ve been working on the Equestria Girls video clip. Yes it has been a busy season for us and we have to finish the Crystal Fair Song too but…
For those who didn’t knew why we were ‘lost’ the last days, well, we were at the convention “Feria del Libro” (Book fair) promoting Doodling Around first publication, of course in the comic and illustration section. For that reason (and…
We always have many suggestions about the next clip we should do and it’s always a tied match so we started a poll to help us see which one could be next
Fixed some troubles that caused some malfunction in the portfolio section 🙂 Now we have to update some stuff.
Hi, people. After many problems to make properly the Crystal Fair Song MLH version we managed do get things better and in the line. Not everything is 100% allright but now we feel like things can advance faster. Now it’s…
Also, for good, yet so ironically, things for the Equestria Girls song seems to be taking shape, so now we have to pay attention to more than one music video . From now on, we’re gonna check wich one of…
For al those asking if we’re working on new MLH stuff, here are the profile sheets for each character we’re doing to organize animation libraries for new clips. This way things are easier to do. More characters will be added…
This is the latest clip we made for all of you. Thanks for liking our animations and stay tuned for new stuff 😀
We really need to find the Flash CS 5.5, the crashes in the 5 version do it again… Now, a source file of the last animation project is ruined, wich delayed the work. Okay, fortunately, though we haven’t backup of…
The first two clips we made are a few samples of what we’re doing, as well as one third short featuring the remaining of the mane six, Rarity and Applejack 🙂 Later, we want to make a more long animation…